St. Clement Catholic Parish Church and park

In the center of the town of Bük there is the catholic church of the town surrounded by a beautifully reconstructed park. The patron saint of the church is St. Clement, the fourth head of the papacy, who was consecrated as a bishop by St. Peter himself. During his 9 years of pontificate, he was sentenced to forced labor during the persecution of Christians, and was exiled to the Crimea, where he drew water from the ground in front of his fellow prisoners.

The word “mystical” may be safe to use here, since the construction of the church began in the 13th century in honor of the saint, and then in 1957, thanks to a miraculous coincidence, healing water gushed to the surface near to the border of the village. This spot has been since called St. Clement spring.
During the reconstruction of the church park, three thematic paths were created, with helps visitors in discovering the area.

Büki Szent Kelemen Templom

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