On two wheels

On two wheels in the region


The fastest growing sector of tourism in Europe is cycling tourism. Cycling is becoming more and more popular in Hungary as well, and it is characterized by an explosive growth: based on estimates, the number of cyclists on Hungarian streets doubles annually. For those choosing this type of healthy lifestyle, Bükfürdő and its surroundings are a real paradise. Thanks to the developments in recent years, several new dimensions opened up for the benefit of the cycling community.

Great experiences and adventures on two wheels—here are the recommendations of Park Hotel:



Bükfürdő – Sárvár – Gérce – Celldömölk – Bükfürdő The nearly 120-kilometer long tour is cyclists’ favorite route. Almost a quarter of the route leads along the eye-catching Farkas Forest on the...

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In addition to Bükfürdő, Vas county is of course full of cycling opportunities. Here are some real delicacies starting outside of our town.



With a distance of 32 kilometers, the route starting in the county seat gives a taste of cycling tours of the area. The high-quality built cycling route is lined with two imposing castles.Olvasta...

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Tour of Vas-Hegy/Eisenberg

Tour of Vas-Hegy/Eisenberg

Szombathely – Ják – Vas-Hegy/Eisenberg – Felsőcsatár – Torony Although this route does not have a cycle path per se, the small traffic and the abundancy of sights make it a superb cycling...

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Szombathely – Lake Abért – Szombathely

Szombathely – Lake Abért – Szombathely

The route starting again in the county seat leads through Hungary’s longest village, Gencsapáti, to Lukácsháza. On the way there, one can test their courage in the Holdfényliget adventure park, or...

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Tour around Lake Fertő/Neusiedl

Tour around Lake Fertő/Neusiedl

One of the most beautiful and perhaps most interesting tours is the cycling tour around Lake Fertő/Neusiedl covering more than 100 kilometers in length. The route is a round trip around the largest...

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Long round trip in Vasi-Hegyhát

Long round trip in Vasi-Hegyhát

The tour starting from Vasvár covering 60 kilometers is another highlight: the trip gives opportunity to discover the millions of little wonders in Vasi-Hegyhát and along the Rába on two wheels....

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