Vas-Hegy túra

Szombathely – Ják – Vas-Hegy – Felsőcsatár – Torony.

Although this route does not have a cycle path per se, the small traffic and the abundancy of sights make it a superb cycling opportunity. Along the way, cyclists can visit the monumental Ják Church, one of Hungary’s most iconic churches, then the route leads through Szentpéterfa to Burgenland, where the Grenzerfahrungsweg/Határélménypark gives opportunity for a bit of recharge. The tour continues along the Pinka river through Vaskeresztes to Felsőcsatár, where the Iron Curtain Museum satisfies the historical and the Pinka Smoke Restaurant the gastronomical needs. The last few kilometers are also full of excitements: heading towards Torony, the Dozmati reservoir awaits cyclists for some relaxation.

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